Page By Page Consulting Services

Downtowns, Main Streets, BIAs and the businesses within them are as diverse as our neighbourhoods. Our projects and services reflect that diversity. As a consultant , I understand how the right help can transform your communities and businesses. I’ll help find ways for your team to be more efficient and give you the tools to help you make decisions that will positively impact your business and your downtown.

We divide our services into 6 categories but no BIA is exactly the same. Be sure to reach out for a customized solution.



Strategic Plans: We all know that planning is important but it’s not always very fun and we love to love what we do. Want to do a Strategic Plan? We have you covered and we’ll make it fun. Guaranteed.

Action Plans: Do you want to plan but for the more immediate future? How about creating an Action Plan? It’s less expensive, faster and targeted specifically for those groups who don’t have unlimited time and money.

Story Boarding: New to the planning world is story-boarding. Want a quick session with your board members to flush out some ideas and check that you’re all on the right track? This is fun and effective!



It’s important to regularly review your processes and decision making. Has your group fallen into the trap of doing the same over and over? Have you been running an event forever but can’t prove its value? Does your budget look the same from year to year with only a slight change to the bottom line?

Event Analysis: Let’s engage your stakeholders in providing beneficial feedback so you can make adjustments to your events that suit your businesses needs. We create a series of surveys and chat live with those whose feedback is valuable.

Budget Review: Your strategic plan becomes your new budget. Too many organizations do all the planning and then don’t reflect that in their budget. Do you think you don’t have the money to hire more help? I bet you do – you just have to look at your numbers a different way. Let me help.

HST Rebates: Not all BIA receive HST rebates. That’s because you don’t have the right status with CRA. There is a way and I’m prepared to go the distance. Not only can I get you rebates but I’ll train you how to do it yourself moving forward.


Studies and Strategies

Do you and/or your municipality want to study your downtown from the bigger picture? For those downtowns who are facing development challenges I can create a team to look at your community from the twenty thousand foot view.



Downtowns and BIAs have notoriously high staff turnover rates – the job isn’t easy afterall. But your new Executive Director doesn’t have to struggle. I can help your new staff understand their role better and faster. I can help train them to be more efficient and answer all their operations questions.


Speaking Engagements

Want a host for your event or a speaker at your Annual General Meeting? Sometimes business owners just want to know that in the world of Main Streets, they’re not alone in their frustrations and successes. Often others share your challenges and it’s nice to hear about best practices.